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Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)

The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) is an essential instrument the KIEP project utilizes to address and resolve disputes. It encompasses a structured process for receiving and handling complaints from individuals or groups adversely affected by the project’s activities. By implementing the GRM, KIEP ensures that effective procedures are in place to capture, evaluate, and address concerns raised by all project stakeholders.

KIEP, as part of its commitment to the GRM, has established a user-friendly complaint form that allows stakeholders to submit grievances conveniently and at any time. Upon receipt of a complaint, the dedicated team at KIEP will promptly register, investigate, and recommend appropriate actions to address the matter. Thank you for reaching out to us. Please use this form to submit your complaint regarding any concerns or grievances related to the Kenya Industry and Entrepreneurship Project (KIEP). We value your feedback and are committed to addressing your concerns promptly and effectively.

By submitting this complaint form, I confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand the information shared will be treated confidentially and used to address my complaint. As outlined in the project's privacy policy, I consent to collecting, processing, and storing my data.
Please click the "Submit Complaint" button below to send your complaint to the appropriate project team. Once your complaint is received, our team will register it, investigate it, and take appropriate action to address it. We will strive to provide you with a timely response and work towards a satisfactory resolution.
Note: If you have any additional documents or supporting evidence related to your complaint, please send them via email to [project email address] with the subject line "Additional Documents - Complaint Form Submission."